Friday, 29 March 2013

Change we cannot Change

What was green is now colorless,
Yesterday's smile,  is today a creased bunch of frown,
Worse, it could all go down South, with bucketful of tears and a lot of heartache

The yellow sun lights everything, darkest hurdles are crossed with the morning light
But half the world is always dark, no matter the thousand rays it shines
In the darkest hours, if only the sun shines its way to answers

All the glory of the world are but ashes in the end,
The ashes are yours, the glory can't go with you,
So, sweep majestically but with humility

All the surge of enlightenment with your heart pumping,
All that feeling of surety,
Now a confirmation to bewilderment

Start contemplation, tread on wise grounds,
Up, Down, here, there
In the end, leave peacefully, more importantly leave others be peaceful

Those that are in their winters, be the kindred soul to them,
For in their pains, is your own destination
Chartered and booked

Lastly, when you see the setting sun, and find yourself sinking with it,
The million gods may come to you, may not,
But if you did not write a book on hatred and his or her cousins

You would have lived to serve those who gave you life,
Your heart sank a beat when they entered the autumn of their lives,
And you softened the grounds for them

Now it is your time to go, but you leave with a peaceful heart,
You have sold the ounce of wealth, to those you leave behind,
That, everything is nothing - in the end